The Friendship Workshop

Helping girls navigate friendships, relationships, mean girls and more while staying true to themselves

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What it is all about?

Mean girls, BFF’s, No friends, the drama, OH MY!
 Navigating friendships and relationships with your daughter can be a rollercoaster of emotions and more.  

Join me on this 90+ minute workshop where we dive into the dynamic of friendships and relationships with girls from elementary school through adulthood.

  • The importance of Self identity and evolving identity and how it pertains to friendships
  • Makeup-breakup friendship cycle
  • Mean Girls (Brief touch on bullying behavior)
  • How to help your daughter make better friend choices without telling her she is making bad choices 
  •  What does a healthy friend dynamic look like
  • Why does a healthy social life look like
  •  Supporting the quiet, shy or neurodivergent girl
  • Separating your own friendship trauma and stories from your daughters so you don't project your fears onto her
  •  How to proactively talk to your daughter about friendships
  • How to deal with friendship breakups and the meltdowns after
  • What to do if your daughter is in between peer group and finds herself with little friends
  • How to help her find her circle
  • When to look for professional support
  •  Activities to do with your daughter
  • Scripted language to use and more!


I have worked with Maria for years. She has an amazing ability to help moms connect with their daughter using simple practical tools. Every time I talk with her I learn something new that when I apply it, it changes the dynamic of my relationship with my daughter for the better. She has helped me believe in myself when I felt like a failure as a mother. She is a kindred spirit who always knows what my heart needs to hear. Thank you, Maria

-Susanna, L

I have worked with therapists and other coaches for years but none have given me more understanding of my self and my daughter than Maria. She has the ability to go back to basics and show me that sometimes the simplest of change can be the most effective. She has an arsenal of tools and knowledge in so many areas and genuinely cares about helping mothers and their daughters. Getting off a call with her I feel supported and empowered to tackle the hardest of challenges and my relationship with my daughter has changed before my eyes. She is a hidden gem and a must have in your toolbox.

-Caroline, R

Workshop Pricing

The Friendship Workshop

$39 USD

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